Seeing Rainbows In Lima
Tom & I lived in Lima for five very exciting months. In that time we were able to witness the pro’s & con’s of living in a South American capital city; overall the raw beauty, latin culture & tropical climate of Lima puts it up there at the top for one my favourite cities.
The colourful exterior represents the vibrant life & culture that exists underneath the surface. Music blaring from open windows, old señors drinking bottled beer on their doorstep, the constant sound of the car horns, street salsa in the park every Sunday & ceviche stalls on street curbs. I now truly understand the meaning of ‘more is ALWAYS more’; the bright multi-coloured shades of buildings adding to the positivity & creative flare that runs through the different neighbourhoods.
Here is a snapshot of our time in Lima; best enjoyed with a cold Cusqueña beer in hand. My photo’s tell no lie, there really is bougainvillaea’s on every corner.